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cerebral characterized by intellect or reason. [1/2 definitions]
contortion a straining or twisting by the intellect; mental gymnastics. [1/3 definitions]
genius extraordinary power of intellect, esp. as shown in artistic or scientific work. [1/5 definitions]
gray matter (informal) one's intellect; brains. [1/2 definitions]
head mind; intellect; understanding. [1/10 definitions]
intellectual of or having to do with the intellect. [2/3 definitions]
intellectualism the development, exercise, or application of the intellect. [1/3 definitions]
mind the intellect or intelligence as commonly considered distinct from the body; intellectual power. [2/13 definitions]
noetic of or pertaining to the intellect; understood only by the mind or through the reasoning process.
rational having intellect; capable of logical thought. [1/4 definitions]
sense perception perception by bodily senses, such as sight and hearing, rather than by the intellect alone.
stupid dull or slow in intellect, wit, awareness, or the like. [2/4 definitions]
visceral stemming from instinct or intuition rather than the intellect. [1/4 definitions]
wit1 the ability to express oneself in a clever, perceptive, and ingenious way that produces humor or pleasure for the intellect, or that which is expressed in this way and to this effect. [1/5 definitions]