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bonobo any of a species of highly intelligent African ape related to but smaller than the chimpanzee and exhibiting various human-like behaviors. The bonobo's habitat in the wild is limited to an area within the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
brain (plural) the most intelligent person of a group, or the main planner of something, especially something risky. [1/3 definitions]
bright intelligent; smart. [1/3 definitions]
brilliant very intelligent. [1/2 definitions]
chimp a short form of "chimpanzee," a highly intelligent African species of ape.
chimpanzee a mammal that lives in African rain forests. Chimpanzees are in the group of primate mammals called apes. They are related to, but smaller than, gorillas. Chimpanzees are very intelligent and sometimes use tools to get food.
clever having a bright, sharp, and quick mind; intelligent. [1/2 definitions]
dumb unintelligent, or reflecting a lack of intelligent thinking; idiotic; stupid. [1/4 definitions]
hyperintelligent combined form of intelligent.
mastermind a clever and intelligent person, esp. one who develops and directs plans, projects, or the like. [1/2 definitions]
monkey a small, intelligent mammal in the same family as humans. Monkeys live in places with a warm climate.
sharp intelligent; clever. [1/10 definitions]
smart intelligent; knowing a lot. [1/2 definitions]
smarten to make neater, more attractive, or more intelligent (usu. fol. by up). [2/3 definitions]
superintelligent combined form of intelligent.
vacancy lack of intelligent thought; blankness. [1/3 definitions]