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abhor to regard with intense loathing or horror; detest.
abominate to have an intense aversion to; loathe; detest. [1/2 definitions]
abomination intense hatred or disgust; loathing. [1/2 definitions]
action lively or intense activity. [1/6 definitions]
agony great or intense pain and suffering in the mind or body, usually over a long period of time.
appetency intense craving or desire. [1/2 definitions]
arachibutyrophobia the persistent fear of or intense distress caused by peanut butter sticking to the roof of one's mouth.
bad intense or severe. [1/9 definitions]
battle royal an intense, lengthy battle. [1/3 definitions]
blaze1 a bright flame or light. [3/4 definitions]
blowtorch a portable oil-burning or gas-burning device producing an intense, localized flame suitable for melting or cutting metal.
break up to lighten (something intense or monotonous) by means of periodic breaks or shifts in activity or mood. [1/10 definitions]
broken-hearted full of intense grief or disappointment.
burning very hot, bright, or intense. [2/4 definitions]
catfight a bitter quarrel or intense argument between people, esp women. [1/2 definitions]
choke up to lose the ability to speak because of intense emotion or stress. [1/2 definitions]
cold war intense political or ideological hostility between nations, resulting in high tension between them, but not in outright war. [2 definitions]
concentrate to make purer, more intense, or more essential. [2/6 definitions]
concentration a purer, more intense, or more essential mixture. [1/5 definitions]
cool to make less intense; moderate. [1/15 definitions]
cornflower the intense purplish blue color of some flowers of this plant. [1/2 definitions]