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Dictionary Suite
absorbing very interesting; engaging.
almanac a book of interesting and useful facts about many different subjects. [1/2 definitions]
anecdote a short tale about a funny or interesting event.
appeal to seem interesting or attractive to someone. [1/3 definitions]
bored feeling tired because of having to do something that is not interesting.
boring2 dull; having no interesting features.
challenge an interesting or difficult problem. [1/3 definitions]
climax the most exciting or interesting point in a series of events. [1/2 definitions]
colorful lively; interesting. [1/2 definitions]
curious interesting because unusual or strange. [1/2 definitions]
decorate to make more attractive or interesting by adding ornamental items or designs. [1/5 definitions]
dry not interesting; boring. [1/8 definitions]
dull not interesting; boring. [1/4 definitions]
enrich to cause to be more interesting, important, or rewarding. [1/4 definitions]
exotic very unusual and interesting. [1/2 definitions]
fascinating very, very interesting.
feature to present as something especially interesting or important. [1/4 definitions]
featureless lacking distinctive or interesting characteristics.
filmic suitable for filming; visually interesting. [1/2 definitions]
history an interesting record of past events, especially having to do with a person, place, thing, or family. [1/4 definitions]
insipid not interesting; dull. [1/2 definitions]