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blogosphere all the blogs on the internet and the people who read and write them.
bookmark in computing, a user's stored link to a previously visited location on the Internet, often displayed on-screen as a menu item or icon. [1/2 definitions]
chat to exchange written messages instantly with one or more people by typing on a computer or phone, usually using the internet. [2/7 definitions]
chatroom a site on the Internet where two or more computer users can converse in real time by typing messages that appear on all participants' screens instantly.
cyberbully a person who posts hurtful electronic messages on the internet with the intent of bullying another person.
cyberbullying bullying that is done by posting hurtful electronic messages on the internet.
dial-up related to or being a form of internet access that uses a telephone line to connect a computer to an internet service provider.
digital involving, relating to, or making use of computers and computerized technologies, esp. those which access the Internet [1/5 definitions]
digital citizen a person who uses the internet to connect with society and the world. Digital citizens often use the internet to do things like getting and sending messages, posting or displaying information, playing games, or shopping.
domain a group of networked computers and devices organized as a unit under a shared Internet address. [1/5 definitions]
e-commerce the exchange of goods and services conducted on the Internet; electronic commerce.
email address a unique identifying label that allows internet messages to be received in one's electronic mail account. The "@" symbol is a part of every email address
fire wall (usu. spelled as one word) software or hardware that prevents unauthorized access to a computer or local area network from an outside network such as the Internet. [1/2 definitions]
Google a U.S. corporation that developed a popular and distinctive internet search engine. [2/3 definitions]
internet the world's largest computer network, which is made of millions of computers that are linked together. Some parts of the internet are the World Wide Web and e-mail.
internet service provider an organization that provides internet access and related services such as email accounts (often abbreviated as "ISP").
IP in computing, an abbreviation for Internet protocol, one of the main Internet communications protocols, which specifies the format of transmitted data and routing information.
iPhone trademark for a type of mobile telephone that includes an internet browser, camera, and music player.
ISP abbreviation of "internet service provider," an organization that provides internet access and related services such as email accounts.
load to transfer (data or a program) onto the memory of a computer. Data or programs may come from either the computer's storage or from an external source such as the internet. [1/17 definitions]
MP3 abbreviation of "Moving Pictures Expert Group, Audio Layer 3," an audio file format that compresses sound data, esp. music, for easy transfer over the internet, while providing high-quality playback sound. [1/3 definitions]