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barge in to enter or interrupt in a rude or clumsy way.
bother to disturb or interrupt. [1/3 definitions]
break to bring an end to; interrupt. [1/19 definitions]
break in to interrupt during a conversation, meeting, broadcast or the like. [1/3 definitions]
break into to interrupt (an utterance, conversation, meeting, or the like). [1/6 definitions]
chime in to interrupt suddenly; add one's opinion.
chip in to add to a discussion or to interrupt with. [1/2 definitions]
cut in to interrupt. [1/2 definitions]
cut off to interrupt (someone) as they are speaking. [2/8 definitions]
disconnect to break off or interrupt the connection of or between. [1/3 definitions]
disrupt to interrupt or break off. [1/2 definitions]
disturb to interrupt by making noise or doing something that draws away attention. [1/2 definitions]
heckle to interrupt (someone) during a public speech or performance with intentionally annoying or provocative remarks or questions.
intercept to stop or take hold of; interrupt the movement or progress of.
interpose to insert a comment, question, or the like; interrupt. [1/6 definitions]
leave off to interrupt one's activity at a particular point. [1/3 definitions]
obstruct to interrupt, delay, or hinder the passage or progress of. [1/3 definitions]
off so as to interrupt or stop operation. [1/13 definitions]
relieve to break or interrupt (something tedious). [1/5 definitions]
stop to bring to an end or interrupt the process of. [1/18 definitions]