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anastomosis the surgical connection of two hollow organs or organ parts, such as the ends of a severed intestine, to make one organ. [1/2 definitions]
appendix a short, closed tube of tissue that grows out of the large intestine. The appendix is on the right side of the lower abdomen. [1/2 definitions]
bowel (usually plural) the long tube below the stomach that forms part of the digestive system; intestine.
cecum a cavity opening at only one end, esp. the pouch at the head of the large intestine.
chyle a light-colored fluid containing emulsified fat that is formed from chyme in the small intestine and that is absorbed by the lacteals and passed into the bloodstream.
chyme the semifluid thick mass that is the product of the partial digestion of food in the stomach and that passes into the small intestine.
colitis inflammation of the large intestine.
colo- colon or large intestine.
colon2 the largest part of the large intestine.
diverticulitis painful inflammation of a sac that branches off from a hollow organ, esp. the intestine.
duodenum the short, rather straight portion of the small intestine nearest to the stomach.
enteritis inflammation of the small intestine or, sometimes, the colon.
entero- intestine.
enterostomy a surgical opening made through the abdominal wall into an intestine.
hookworm a parasitic bloodsucking worm with hooks around its mouth with which it attaches itself to human and animal intestine walls. [1/2 definitions]
ileum in mammals and birds, the portion of the small intestine below the jejunum. [1/2 definitions]
intestine (usually plural) the lower part of the digestive system, below the stomach. The intestine is a long, coiled tube. It is divided into the small intestine and the large intestine.
jejunum the coiled central portion of the small intestine, between the duodenum and the ileum.
lacteal of or pertaining to the anatomical vessels that convey a milky fluid from the intestine to the thoracic duct. [2/3 definitions]
large intestine the large, lower part of the intestines. The large intestine absorbs water from digested food and forms solid waste matter.
mesentery the membrane that encloses the small intestine and connects it to the spinal wall of the abdomen.