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Dictionary Suite
drunk feeling the debilitating and inhibition-reducing effects of alcohol; intoxicated. [1/6 definitions]
DWI abbreviation of "driving while intoxicated."
glue sniffing the potentially brain-damaging act or practice of inhaling the fumes of certain types of glue, such as model airplane glue, and thereby becoming intoxicated, giddy, or the like.
high (informal) intoxicated, esp. by drugs. [1/14 definitions]
inebriate one who is intoxicated, esp. habitually. [2/4 definitions]
intoxication the state of being intoxicated; drunkenness. [1/3 definitions]
loaded (informal) very intoxicated. [1/6 definitions]
mellow (informal) pleasantly intoxicated or euphoric. [1/6 definitions]
sober not having drunk any alcohol; not intoxicated. [1/6 definitions]
wino (informal) an alcoholic, esp. a vagrant who stays intoxicated on cheap wine.