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ballet a form of dance characterized by precise, stylized motion and intricate choreography. [1/4 definitions]
cakewalk a high-strutting, marchlike dance done in competition for the prize of a cake, awarded to the most intricate or unusual performance. [1/5 definitions]
cat's cradle a children's game in which a looped string is passed back and forth from the fingers of one player to those of the other so as to form a series of intricate patterns.
Chinese puzzle an intricate, difficult puzzle or problem.
chinoiserie (sometimes cap.) an intricate, elaborate style of decoration using Chinese motifs, esp. in eighteenth-century Europe. [1/2 definitions]
complicate involved or intricate. [1/3 definitions]
convoluted complex; intricate. [1/2 definitions]
delicate very fine; intricate; skillfully made. [1/5 definitions]
detail precisely crafted, intricate decoration. [1/8 definitions]
detailed having or showing many small parts or elements; intricate. [1/2 definitions]
elaborate characterized by intricate and perhaps excessive detail. [1/5 definitions]
filigree intricate, lacy ornamental work made of twisted metal wires or pierced metal, as in jewelry. [2/4 definitions]
high comedy comedy involving the upper social classes, featuring an intricate plot, sophisticated characterization, and witty dialogue. (Cf. low comedy.)
involution something complex or intricate, such as a sophisticated grammatical construction. [1/4 definitions]
involved complicated because made up of many different connected parts or steps; intricate; complex.
knotty difficult to understand or solve; complex; intricate. [1/2 definitions]
labyrinth an intricate network of pathways or passageways intended to confuse the person or animal that navigates it; maze. [1/3 definitions]
labyrinthine complex and intricate like a labyrinth; puzzling. [1/2 definitions]
machine any complicated or intricate system. [1/6 definitions]
miniature a small, often intricate or detailed painting or portrait on a surface such as ivory. [1/6 definitions]
Oriental rug any of various handwoven rugs made in Asia, usu. having colorful, intricate designs; Persian rug or carpet.