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artifact in scientific investigation, a spurious result or effect caused by the introduction of unintended elements or variables. [1/2 definitions]
catalysis the introduction or intervention of a substance that causes or speeds up a chemical reaction without being affected itself. [1/2 definitions]
exordium the introduction or beginning, esp. of a formal speech.
fluoridation the introduction of controlled amounts of a fluoride into a public water supply as a preventative of tooth decay.
foreword a statement at the beginning of a written text, such as a book; introduction or preface.
hypodermic characterized by injection or introduction under the skin; subcutaneous. [1/4 definitions]
isagoge an introduction, as to a field of scholarly study or research.
lead1 a short introduction that begins a news story. [1/13 definitions]
lede the first sentence or a very brief introduction to a journalistic piece intended to draw in the reader.
modernization a process in which societies are believed to move from less to more advanced forms through the introduction of new technology or through social change. [1/3 definitions]
neologism the introduction or use of new words or meanings. [1/2 definitions]
preamble an introduction to a formal document that serves to explain its purpose.
preface an introduction to a book or other written material that gives information about the author or work. [3 definitions]
prefatory of, relating to, or serving as an introduction or preface; preliminary.
presentation formal introduction, as of one person to another. [1/4 definitions]
preview anything that gives some idea in advance of or introduction to a later event, presentation, or the like. [1/4 definitions]
proem a brief introduction; preface, preamble, or prelude.
prologue an introduction to a spoken or written work such as a speech or play; preface. [2/3 definitions]
propaedeutic pertaining to or serving as an introduction to a field of study, esp. in the arts or sciences. [1/2 definitions]
reintroduction combined form of introduction.
short subject a brief film, usu. shown as an introduction to a full-length feature, or between two full-length films.