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barge in to interrupt or intrude, esp. clumsily or impolitely.
butt in (informal) to mix into or intrude in other people's activities or conversation.
encroach to intrude or trespass. [1/3 definitions]
impose on to intrude upon without invitation or at an unsuitable time. [1/2 definitions]
impose upon to intrude on or cause inconvenience to (someone) without invitation or at an unsuitable time. [1/2 definitions]
interfere to meddle, intrude, or show an unwelcome interest, esp. in the affairs of others (usu. fol. by "with" or "in"). [1/5 definitions]
intrusive bothersome and unwelcome; intruding or apt to intrude.
invade to disturb or break into without being asked or wanted; intrude on; violate. [1/2 definitions]