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coroner a public officer employed to investigate by inquest any death not thought to have occurred by natural causes.
explore in medicine, to investigate, esp. by surgery, in order to diagnose. [2/4 definitions]
Federal Trade Commission a U.S. agency whose duty is to investigate and prosecute illegal interstate trade practices such as false advertising and price-fixing.
FTC abbreviation of "Federal Trade Commission," a U.S. agency whose duty is to investigate and prosecute illegal interstate trade practices such as false advertising and price-fixing.
House Un-American Activities Committee a committee of the U.S. House of Representatives (1938-75) created to investigate organizations and individual Americans suspected of being subversive or disloyal to the country. (abbr.: HUAC)
HUAC abbreviation of "House Un-American Activities Committee," a committee of the U.S. House of Representatives (1938-75) created to investigate organizations and individual Americans suspected of being subversive or disloyal to the country.
inquire to investigate (usu. fol. by "into"). [1/3 definitions]
look into to investigate or examine (a matter, possible solution, problem, or the like).
muckrake to investigate and expose misconduct or corruption, esp. on the part of political or business leaders.
panel a group of persons assembled for a particular purpose, as to investigate or evaluate something. [1/7 definitions]
plumb to investigate thoroughly. [1/10 definitions]
police a department of a town, city, or state government that has the power to enforce laws, investigate crimes, and keep order. [1/3 definitions]
private detective a person whose job is to investigate criminal or secret activity at the request of paying clients.
private investigator a person whose job is to investigate criminal or secret activity at the request of paying clients; private detective.
probe to examine or investigate with, or as if with, a probe. [1/6 definitions]
reinvestigate combined form of investigate.
scout to investigate an area in order to bring back information. [2/8 definitions]
see about to investigate or give very serious thought to (something). [1/2 definitions]
seek to search or investigate. [1/4 definitions]
select committee a group, formed on a temporary basis and assembled from members of a goverment, whose purpose is to investigate a particular issue.
smell to investigate (usu. fol. by about or around). [1/12 definitions]