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bob1 to jerk down and up or nod rapidly. [1/4 definitions]
dork (slang) an insulting term for a person, usually a male, who acts in an uncaring way toward others; jerk. [1/2 definitions]
hitch1 to pull with a quick jerk (usu. fol. by "up"). [1/9 definitions]
jump to move or jerk abruptly; start. [2/20 definitions]
pitch1 to rock or jerk suddenly or forcefully from one side or end to the other; lurch. [1/23 definitions]
stringhalt a nerve disorder of horses that causes one or both hind legs to jerk or flex spasmodically at a walk.
tweak a sudden twisting pinch or jerk. [1/4 definitions]
twitch to move or pull with a quick, sudden motion; jerk. [1/6 definitions]
water ouzel any of several small, stocky, aquatic birds, related to the thrushes, that feed on the bottom of swift-moving streams and display a characteristic jerk of the body when walking.
wrench to twist, jerk, or pull (something) forcibly so that it splits or is dislodged. [1/13 definitions]
yank (informal) to pull or take out suddenly or abruptly; jerk. [2 definitions]