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amber a hard, yellow or brown material that is used to make jewelry. It is a fossil that comes from the resin of pine trees. [1/2 definitions]
amethyst a purple gem used in jewelry. Amethyst is a kind of quartz.
appraisal an estimate, esp. by an official or expert, of the value of property, such as a house, land, work of art, or jewelry for the purpose of taxation, sale, or the like. [1/2 definitions]
aquamarine a type of bluish green beryl used in jewelry. [1/2 definitions]
bezel in jewelry, the part to which gems are attached, or any facet of the cut gem above this part. [1/2 definitions]
bracelet a piece of jewelry worn around the wrist or arm.
brooch a piece of jewelry attached to clothing with a pin or clasp.
bullion silver or gold considered simply as a quantity of metal rather than as currency or as a product such as jewelry. [1/2 definitions]
cameo a stone carved so as to leave a slightly raised image of one color and a background of another, often worn as jewelry. [1/2 definitions]
chatelaine a piece of jewelry worn at a woman's lapel. [1/3 definitions]
clip2 a piece of jewelry attached by a fastening clip. [1/5 definitions]
cloisonné enamel work on metal, as in jewelry or bowls, with the colors separated by thin metal strips or wire.
corundum an exceedingly hard mineral, aluminum oxide, occurring commonly in gray, brown, or blue varieties which are used esp. as abrasives, and more rarely in transparent, crystalline forms such as the ruby and sapphire used in expensive jewelry.
costume the type or style of clothing, jewelry, makeup, and the like worn in a particular place or time or by members of a particular profession or group. [2/4 definitions]
costume jewelry jewelry made of inexpensive materials or set with imitation or semiprecious stones.
diamond a clear mineral that is the hardest natural substance. Diamonds are used in jewelry and also as tools to cut hard materials. [1/3 definitions]
earring a piece of jewelry worn on the earlobe.
emerald a clear green stone that is used in jewelry. [1/2 definitions]
filigree intricate, lacy ornamental work made of twisted metal wires or pierced metal, as in jewelry. [1/4 definitions]
finery1 expensive or exceptionally elaborate or showy clothing, jewelry, or the like.
garnet a common type of hard mineral that can have a variety of colors and includes the dark red stone often used in jewelry.