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abutment the place where adjoining things come in contact; juncture. [1/2 definitions]
canthus the angle formed at either side of the eye at the juncture of the upper and lower eyelids.
climax in a literary or dramatic work, the point at which a conflict reaches a crucial juncture. [1/4 definitions]
horizon the juncture of the earth and the sky as perceived by the observer. [1/2 definitions]
interchange a highway juncture in which different road levels are used to permit vehicles to move from one road to another without disturbing the flow of traffic. [1/5 definitions]
occasion a particular moment that may be favorable or appropriate to carry out some action; juncture. [1/5 definitions]
solder any of various alloys, usu. of lead and tin, that may be applied in a molten state to the juncture of metal edges to make a connection. [1/5 definitions]