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assistant a person holding a secondary or junior position in an office or organization. [1/2 definitions]
asst. abbreviation of "assistant," a person holding a secondary or junior position in an office or organization.
backbencher a junior legislator, esp. in Great Britain's House of Commons, who is not one of his or her party's leaders.
brownie (capital) a member of the junior division of the Girl Scouts. [1/3 definitions]
community college a junior college primarily serving, and often funded by, its local community.
Cub Scout a member of the junior section of the Boy Scouts of America. Boys between ages eight and eleven can be Cub Scouts.
finishing school a private school at the secondary or junior college level for the training of young women, esp. in the social graces and accomplishments appropriate to polite society.
jayvee (informal) a player on a junior varsity sports team; JV.
JC abbreviation of "junior college," an educational institution that offers a two-year program equivalent to the first two years at a four-year college and that confers an associate degree or certificate.
jg abbreviation of "junior grade."
Jr. abbreviation of "Junior," used after a male person's name when he has the same first and last name as his father
junior used as a name or after a name, when a person's name is the same as his father's name. "Junior" is written "Jr." [1/2 definitions]
junior high school a school before high school in the United States. Junior high school usually includes grades seven, eight, and nine. Another name for junior high school is middle school.
JV abbreviation of "junior varsity," an athletic team that represents a school, college, or the like at a level below varsity; jayvee.
secondary school a school that is intermediate between elementary school and college; junior high school or high school.
upperclassman a member of the junior or senior class in a high school, college, or university.
young being less old, esp. than a person having the same name; junior. [1/7 definitions]