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blue-ribbon jury a jury specially selected for high intelligence, education, or other elite qualities.
box1 the section of a courtroom where the jury sits. [1/5 definitions]
bring in of a jury, to give (a legal verdict) on a case. [1/5 definitions]
foreman the person who speaks for a jury. [1/2 definitions]
grand jury a jury made up of citizens who are gathered to determine whether there is enough evidence against accused persons to indict them and bring them to trial. A grand jury is typically composed of twenty-three people but the number may vary.
hang to keep (a jury) from rendering a decision by voting against the majority; deadlock. [2/17 definitions]
impanel to enroll on a list or panel for jury duty, or to select (a juror or a jury) from such a list.
indict to bring a formal accusation of a crime against, as by the findings of a grand jury. [1/2 definitions]
indictment a formal written accusation presented by a grand jury to a court for prosecution of a serious crime. [1/3 definitions]
information in law, a charge against a person that is presented by a public officer, as opposed to an indictment by a grand jury. [1/4 definitions]
inquest a legal investigation, usu. involving a jury, esp. a coroner's investigation of a suspicious death. [2/3 definitions]
juror a person who is a member of a jury.
jury a group of people called to a court of law. A jury decides if a person is guilty or not guilty.
mistrial a trial that cannot be concluded, as for the reason that the jury is unable to agree on a verdict. [1/2 definitions]
panel the group from which a jury is picked, or the people picked for a jury. [1/7 definitions]
petty jury see "petit jury."
tales (used with a pl. verb) people summoned to fill vacancies on a jury that has become deficient in number. [1/2 definitions]
talesman a person summoned to be one of the tales on a jury.
trial jury see "petit jury."
true bill a bill of indictment approved by a grand jury as being supported by enough evidence to justify a trial.
venire the whole group of prospective jurors from which a jury is selected. [1/2 definitions]