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beat up to hit or kick (someone) until seriously injured. [1/2 definitions]
boot to kick. [2/4 definitions]
breaststroke a swimming stroke in which the body is prone with the face down, the arms simultaneously pull down and back, and the legs do a frog kick in alternation with the arm movement.
conversion in football, a one-point kick or a two-point play scored following a touchdown; extra point; point after touchdown. [1/6 definitions]
crawl a swimming stroke. The swimmer keeps his face in the water while the feet kick without stopping and the arms reach in front of the head one at a time. [1/6 definitions]
drop kick a kick, formerly used in football, in which the kicker drops the ball and kicks it as it begins to rebound. (Cf. place kick, punt1.)
drop-kick to kick with or make a drop kick.
flutter kick a swimming kick in which the legs are extended horizontally and moved rapidly up and down without bending the knees.
follow-through the final part of a stroke, kick, throw, or swing, as of a golf club after the ball has been hit. [1/2 definitions]
frog kick in swimming, a kick in which the legs are drawn up, forcefully extended back and to the sides, then brought together.
goal in various sports such as hockey, football, and basketball, a structure through which one must hit, throw, or kick a ball or puck in order to score. [1/3 definitions]
kickable combined form of kick.
kickoff a kick in football that puts the ball into action and signals the beginning or continuing of the game. [1/2 definitions]
outkick combined form of kick.
penalty kick in soccer, a free kick from a point 12 feet in front of the goal and with only the goalie defending, awarded to one team to penalize a violation by the other team. [2 definitions]
place kick in football, a kick made while the ball is held upright on the ground, as in a field-goal attempt or kickoff. (Cf. drop kick, punt1.)
punt1 in football, a kick made by dropping the ball and then kicking it before it hits the ground. (Cf. drop kick, place kick.) [2/3 definitions]
recoil the movement that is an object's reaction to its own action, such as the kick of a firearm. [1/5 definitions]
scissors kick a swimming kick, as in the sidestroke, in which the legs are parted, one forward and one back, and then brought together forcefully.
scrum a rugby play in which the forward players of each team mass together around the ball and try to kick it to teammates in the rear. [1/2 definitions]
spin kick a martial arts move in which a person jumps spinning into the air to deliver a kick.