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antibacterial active in killing bacteria.
antisepsis the killing of microorganisms that cause disease or decay.
biocide any substance capable of killing living organisms.
bounty a reward or payment for catching outlaws or killing certain kinds of wild animals. [1/2 definitions]
butcher someone who prepares animals for sale as meat by killing or dressing them. [1/6 definitions]
butchery brutal and senseless killing; slaughter. [1/3 definitions]
carnage the mass killing of people; slaughter.
-cide act of killing. [1/2 definitions]
cull to reduce the size of (a group of animals) by killing. [1/5 definitions]
dispatch the act of killing. [1/7 definitions]
euthanasia the act of putting to a painless death a person or animal suffering from a painful, incurable disease or injury; mercy killing.
fly swatter a device for killing insects, particularly flies, consisting of a flat rectangular mesh attached to a long handle.
fratricide the killing of a brother by his sibling. [1/2 definitions]
germicide a substance capable of killing or used to kill germs.
holocaust (capitalized) the killing of millions of Jews and members of other groups by Nazis during the Second World War. [1/2 definitions]
homicide the act of killing another person; murder. [1/2 definitions]
hunt an act or instance of finding and killing wild animals. [1/5 definitions]
hunting the act or sport of chasing wild animals for the purpose of capturing or killing them.
ibuprofen a type of pain-killing drug used esp. in the treatment of arthritis, and marketed as an alternative to aspirin.
immolation an act or instance of killing as a sacrifice, esp. by burning.
kill1 the act or process of killing. [1/6 definitions]