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Dictionary Suite
brick a uniform, rectangular block of clay, dried and hardened by sun or in a kiln, used as a building material. [1/6 definitions]
ceramic (pl.) the art or method of making ceramic objects or materials using a high-temperature kiln. [1/3 definitions]
fire to apply intense heat to, as in a kiln. [1/14 definitions]
kiln to heat in a kiln. [1/2 definitions]
kiln-dry to dry (pottery or the like) in a kiln.
muffle a part of a furnace or kiln used to bake or fire something such as pottery without direct contact with the fire. [1/5 definitions]
oast a kiln used for drying and curing tobacco or for drying hops or malt.
sagger a protective casing of fire clay that surrounds and protects delicate ceramics in the kiln. [1/3 definitions]