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kc abbreviation of "kilocycle," or "kilocycles," a unit of frequency equal to one thousand cycles per second or one thousand hertz; kilohertz.
kHz abbreviation of "kilohertz," a unit of frequency equal to one thousand cycles per second or one thousand hertz; kilocycle.
kilocycle see "kilohertz."
kilohertz a unit that measures the frequency of radio waves. One kilohertz is equal to one thousand cycles per second. (abbreviated: kHz)
long wave a low-frequency electromagnetic wave, usu. a radio wave that is longer than one thousand meters and below three hundred kilohertz in frequency.
low frequency any radio frequency between thirty and three hundred kilohertz per second.
medium frequency any radio wave with a frequency of between three hundred and three thousand kilohertz.
phon a unit of loudness of sound, relative to a pure tone of one kilohertz, the difference being measured either objectively with acoustical equipment, or subjectively.
radiofrequency any frequency of electromagnetic waves between approximately ten kilohertz and 300 gigahertz, that can be used for radio transmission.
radio spectrum the portion of the electromagnetic spectrum consisting of radio waves, esp. those most frequently used in radio and television broadcasting, from ten kilohertz to 300 gigahertz.
radio wave an electromagnetic wave with a wavelength of between one millimeter and thirty thousand meters, or a frequency of between ten kilohertz and three hundred thousand megahertz.
sone a unit of loudness equal to the loudness of a sound of one kilohertz at forty decibels above the threshold of hearing of a listener.
very low frequency any radio frequency between ten and thirty kilohertz. (abbr.: VLF)
VLF abbreviation of "very low frequency," any radio frequency between ten and thirty kilohertz.