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angel a person who has great goodness and kindness. [1/2 definitions]
angelic suggesting or resembling, or suitable to, an angel, as in innocence, beauty, or kindness. [1/2 definitions]
beneficence an act of kindness or charity; benefaction. [1/2 definitions]
benevolence an act of kindness or charity. [1/2 definitions]
benign possessing or displaying kindness or gentleness. [1/4 definitions]
bite the hand that feeds one to respond to kindness or generosity with harm or malice.
brotherly having or showing affection, kindness, or loyalty.
callous not having kindness; not sensitive; having a hard heart. [1/2 definitions]
charity the quality of not judging others in a harsh way; kindness; good will. [1/3 definitions]
cold-blooded done without kindness or other feelings; cruel. [1/2 definitions]
cold-hearted without kindness or sympathy.
courtesy a kindness or favor. [1/2 definitions]
good kindness; virtue. [1/12 definitions]
good will an attitude of friendliness or kindness; benevolence. [1/3 definitions]
grateful feeling thankful or showing thanks for kindness or something pleasing.
gratefully with appreciation for another's kindness or for benefits received.
hard without kindness or softness. [1/9 definitions]
have pity to feel sympathy or compassion for one who is suffering or in need, often leading one to engage in some act of mercy or kindness (usu. fol. by "on" or "for").
heartless having or showing no kindness or sympathy; not sharing another's pain.
humane showing kindness or mercy.
inhumane lacking pity, compassion, or kindness; not humane.