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bump to knock against or hit, often by accident. [3/7 definitions]
deck (informal) to knock to the floor or ground; knock down. [1/6 definitions]
down1 to knock over; cause to fall. [1/13 definitions]
duckpin (pl. but used with a sing. verb) a bowling game in which players try to knock down duckpins with small, hard balls. [1/2 definitions]
ethyl a fluid containing tetraethyl lead and other substances, used in gasoline to reduce engine knock. [1/3 definitions]
flatten to knock down. [1/3 definitions]
floor to knock to the floor. [1/9 definitions]
jar2 to deal a solid knock or blow to (something) with resulting vibration or pain. [1/9 definitions]
joust a real or pretend fight between two knights on horseback. Each knight tries to knock the other off his horse with a lance. [1/2 definitions]
marble (pl., but used with a sing. verb) the game using such marbles, in which each player shoots with the back of the thumb in an effort to knock the other players' marbles out of a circle drawn on the ground. [1/7 definitions]
parry to deflect or knock aside (a blow or stroke), as with one's weapon in fencing. [2/5 definitions]
rap1 a quick blow or sharp knock. [2/4 definitions]
raze to knock down or tear down (a structure); level.
roquet to knock (one's croquet ball) against another ball. [1/2 definitions]
run down to hit and seriously injure (a person) while driving one's vehicle, or to hit and knock over (a standing object) with one's vehicle. [1/6 definitions]
run over of a moving vehicle or a driver operating a moving vehicle, to hit and knock down (someone or something), causing serious injury or death. [1/2 definitions]
stop in boxing, to knock out or otherwise prevent (one's opponent) from continuing. [1/18 definitions]
tackle in football, to knock or throw down a member of the opposing team who is carrying the ball. [1/7 definitions]
tetraethyl lead a poisonous, colorless liquid compound of lead used chiefly in gasoline to improve combustion and reduce engine knock.
thud a blow, fall, or knock that causes such a sound. [1/3 definitions]
thump a blow or knock that makes a heavy, dull sound. [1/5 definitions]