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bow2 a knot that is easy to make loose, or a knot used for decoration. [1/2 definitions]
bowknot a decorative knot with large loops that is often used in ribbons, shoelaces, string, or the like; bow.
bowline a knot that will not slip or jam, used for making a loop at the end of a rope. [1/2 definitions]
cockade a rosette or knot of ribbon worn esp. on a hat as a badge of rank, office, or the like.
frog2 a decorative fastener, as on a coat or jacket, with a button or knot on one side of the opening and a loop on the other side, usu. made of braid or cord.
gnarl to knot or twist. [1/2 definitions]
Gordian knot in Greek legend, a knot tied by King Gordius of Phrygia and cut by Alexander the Great, after an oracle had said it could be untied only by the next ruler of Asia. [1/2 definitions]
granny knot a knot begun like a square knot, but in which the second interlace is the reverse of that of a square knot.
half hitch a knot made by making a loop in a rope and passing the end of the rope through the loop.
kink a sore muscle that feels like it is in a knot. [1/4 definitions]
knar a lump or knot on a tree or in wood.
knot1 the place where a branch grows out of the trunk of a tree. When wood is cut into boards, the knot looks like a dark spot. [3/6 definitions]
knothole a hole in a piece of lumber from which a knot has come out.
knurl a knot or protuberance, as on a tree; gnarl. [1/3 definitions]
noose a loop that passes through a knot in the end of a rope or other line. When the rope is pulled, the loop becomes smaller.
pretzel a thin, crisp food that is like a cracker. A pretzel is shaped into a knot or stick, and then baked and salted.
reef knot a square knot used to reef sails; flat knot.
sheepshank a type of knot used to shorten a rope temporarily.
sheet bend a knot that joins two ropes or the like by passing the end of one around and through a bight in the other.
slipknot a knot tied so that the loop can be easily expanded or pulled tight.
square knot a double knot with the free ends parallel to the standing parts.