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acquaintance a person one has met but does not know well. [1/2 definitions]
agnostic one who believes it is impossible to know anything about the existence or nonexistence of God or about the essential nature of things beyond the material universe. [1/4 definitions]
ascertain to come to know (some information) with complete certainty, especially through a process of investigation; determine.
a tough nut to crack a person who is hard to understand, know well, or convince. [1/2 definitions]
basic necessary to know first, as a foundation; fundamental. [1/3 definitions]
basics the things you need to know in order to do something.
blind without the capacity to see or know. [1/12 definitions]
check in to let people know in an official way that one has arrived or that one is ready for something; register.
clairvoyant possessing the ability to see or know things that are beyond the five senses. [1/2 definitions]
curiosity the desire to learn or know.
curious eager to learn or know.
divine to see or know by intuition or inspired guess. [1/12 definitions]
doodad (informal) a term used for a small object or gadget for which one does not know or cannot remember the name; dingus; contraption. [1/2 definitions]
doohickey (informal) a tool or gadget for which one does not know or remember the name; thingamajig.
doubt to not know for sure; be uncertain about the truth of. [1/5 definitions]
dude a person visiting a western U.S. ranch who is from the city or does not know much about ranch life. [1/2 definitions]
eavesdrop to listen to other people talk without letting them know.
end up to come to be in a place or situation that you did not know you would be in.
expect to know in advance or believe certain or likely to happen. [1/5 definitions]
experience to feel or know. [1/3 definitions]
foreknow to know before the existence or occurrence of.