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ABC's the fundamental principles of any branch of knowledge; basics. [1/2 definitions]
ability the power or knowledge to do something. [1/2 definitions]
able having the power or knowledge to do something.
acquaintance knowledge of something that comes from personal experience. [1/2 definitions]
acquainted having personal knowledge or familiarity (often fol. by "with").
acquirement something acquired, such as knowledge or skill. [1/2 definitions]
approximate guessed at, but with enough knowledge to make a pretty good guess; estimated. [1/2 definitions]
arborist a person with specialized knowledge of trees and experience in their care.
ask to request knowledge of (something). [1/11 definitions]
assimilate to absorb and incorporate (knowledge, experience, or the like). [1/8 definitions]
athirst eager, as for knowledge or experience.
augur one who predicts the future or tries to obtain hidden knowledge by interpreting signs and omens, esp. an ancient Roman religious official with such a duty; soothsayer. [1/5 definitions]
augury the art or practice or an instance of predicting the future or obtaining hidden knowledge by interpreting omens. [1/2 definitions]
auspice the practice of predicting the future or obtaining hidden knowledge by interpreting omens, esp. those derived from the observation of birds. [1/3 definitions]
authority compelling force; confidence in one's power or knowledge; mastery. [1/5 definitions]
backstage hidden from public or common knowledge; secret. [1/4 definitions]
basic (often plural) the basic knowledge or skills required to do something. [1/3 definitions]
beginner someone just beginning to acquire new knowledge or learn a new skill.
blaze2 to lead in making or opening, as a new pathway in knowledge. [1/4 definitions]
blog a journal posted on a website that someone regularly write entries in. When people have a blog, they write about personal experiences or opinions, or about particular topics they have special knowledge of or are interested in. The word "blog" is a short form of "Web log."
book learning knowledge acquired from books or in school rather than through practical experience. [1/2 definitions]