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Alkoran the Koran.
imam a Muslim scholar and interpreter of the Koran. [1/3 definitions]
Islam a religion founded by Muhammad. Its holy book is called the Koran. [1/3 definitions]
Koran the sacred book of Islam that is the basis of Muslim religion. Muslims believe that Allah gave the words of the Koran to the prophet Muhammad. The Koran is written in Arabic.
sharia (often cap.) Islamic law based on the teachings of the Koran.
Sunnite a member of the main sect of Islam, believing in the Sunna as an authoritative supplement to the Koran, and accepting the first four caliphs as Muhammad's rightful successors; Sunni. (Cf. Shiite.)
Wahhabi a member of a Muslim sect, founded in the eighteenth century and now found mainly in Saudi Arabia, that believes in strict adherence to the Koran.