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banana republic (informal) a small, often politically unstable Central American country with a one-crop economy that is controlled by foreign capital (used as a derogatory label).
bookplate a label indicating ownership that is pasted on the front end paper of a book.
call to give a descriptive name or label to. [1/10 definitions]
docket a label or ticket on a package that lists contents or states any particulars about it, such as assembly or operating instructions. [2/7 definitions]
email address a unique identifying label that allows internet messages to be received in one's electronic mail account. The "@" symbol is a part of every email address
fellow traveler one who does not belong to a group, esp. the Communist party, but supports or espouses its doctrines and aims; sympathizer (used as a derogatory label).
label a small piece of paper or cloth that is attached to an object. A label gives information about what the object contains, how to use it, or who owns it. [2 definitions]
labelable combined form of label.
mark1 to label or be a feature of. [1/9 definitions]
misdiagnose to wrongly assign (a medical label) to a set of symptoms. [1/2 definitions]
mislabel to label incorrectly.
name a label only, rather than a reflection of fact. [1/9 definitions]
nametag a label or badge bearing a person's name, worn in a visible place on the person's clothing for identification.
number a number or numeral used to label or name something. [2/11 definitions]
pigeonhole a narrow, usu. oversimplified label or category. [1/5 definitions]
postage stamp a small, printed label that is put on a piece of mail to show that the postage has been paid. Postage stamps often have pictures on them.
relabel combined form of label.
sticker a paper label, patch, or sign with sticky material on the back side.
stigmatize to label or brand as disgraceful or shameful. [1/2 definitions]
stock keeping unit a number that is given to a specific product in a store. The number is on a small label on the product. People use stock keeping units to keep track of inventory.
ticket a label or tag, usu. attached, bearing information as to contents, price, or destination, as of a package, shipment, or garment. [2/10 definitions]