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absence the state of not having; lack. [1/3 definitions]
aerial resembling air, as in lightness or lack of substance. [1/6 definitions]
albino an animal or human that has a congenital lack of pigmentation resulting in abnormally pale skin and hair and pink eyes, or a plant that similarly lacks pigmentation.
anaerobic relating to or caused by a complete lack of oxygen. [1/2 definitions]
anarchy a complete lack of government or law within a country or society. [1/2 definitions]
anesthetist a person, usually a doctor or nurse, trained to give gas or drugs that cause lack of sensation or loss of consciousness.
anomie a breakdown or lack of values, norms, or structure in a society. [1/3 definitions]
anoxia lack of oxygen in the body's tissues. [2 definitions]
apathy lack of interest or feeling.
arid extremely dry, especially from lack of rainfall.
asphyxia a lack of oxygen or excess of carbon dioxide in the lungs that results in suffocation.
asthenia loss or lack of physical strength; weakness; debility.
asymmetry the state or quality of having two unidentical halves; lack of balance.
ataxia loss or lack of ability to coordinate voluntary muscle movements.
bankruptcy a condition of utter failure, ruin, or lack. [1/2 definitions]
becalm to make (a sailing vessel) motionless from lack of wind.
beriberi a disease of the nervous system, caused by lack of thiamine and characterized by paralysis of the extremities and by swelling or emaciation.
black sheep one who differs from and is often an embarrassment or disgrace to his or her family or group. This may be be due to this person's disreputable behavior, lack of worldly success, or difference in belief or point of view from that of the group.
blah (pl.; informal) lack of usual interest, spirit, or energy (usu. prec. by "the"). [1/4 definitions]
brave characterized by lack of fear; courageous. [1/6 definitions]
calm a lack of movement; stillness. [1/6 definitions]