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companionway a stairway or ladder leading from one deck of a ship to another.
escalade the act of climbing a fortified wall by ladder. [2 definitions]
fire escape a fireproof stairway, ladder, or the like, usu. on the outside of a building, used as an emergency exit in case of fire.
hatchway the passageway from such an opening to an interior floor or compartment, usu. fitted with stairs or a ladder. [1/2 definitions]
hook and ladder a fire engine carrying extension ladders, hooked tools, and other equipment; hook-and-ladder truck.
Jacob's ladder in the Bible, a ladder from earth to heaven seen by Jacob in a dream. [2/3 definitions]
ladder-back chair a chair having a back formed of horizontal slats between two uprights, resembling a ladder.
ratline any of the pieces of rope tied horizontally between a ship's shrouds like rungs on a ladder, which permit climbing.
rung2 a horizontal crossbar, usu. rounded and usu. one of several, braced between two vertical members, as on a ladder or between the legs of a chair.
scaling ladder a long ladder used to reach to or over the tops of high walls, as by troops besieging a fortress.
spoke2 a rung on a ladder. [1/3 definitions]
stepladder a ladder with flat steps instead of rungs, often having a hinged frame that opens to form a stable support.