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abuse offensive or unfair comments or language. [1/7 definitions]
abusive characterized by offensive or unfair language. [1/4 definitions]
accent a way of speaking a language that is typical of people from a particular area. [1/5 definitions]
acrid sharp or biting in language or tone. [1/2 definitions]
acronym a type of abbreviation used as a word and pronounced as a word. An acronym is formed by combining the initial letters (or initial parts) of a string of words. The pronunciation of an acronym is based on the typical rules of pronouncing words in a language and is not made up of the sounds of the names of individual letters. The abbreviations "AIDS," "FICA," and "PIN" are acronyms, but the abbreviations "FBI," ATM," and "DVD" are not.
Afghan of or having to do with Afghanistan or with its people, culture, language, or the like. [2/3 definitions]
Afrikaans a South African language developed from seventeenth-century Dutch.
ahtomp in Wampanoag language and culture, a weapon used for shooting arrows; bow.
Ainu the language of this people, of undetermined relationship to other language groups. [2/3 definitions]
Albanian of or pertaining to Albania or its people, culture, language, or the like. [2/3 definitions]
Algonquin the language spoken by these tribes, or the family of languages of which it is a part; Algonquian. [2/3 definitions]
alphabet all the letters of a language that you use when you write it. We say or write an alphabet in a special order.
American of or having to do with the United States or its people or language. [2 definitions]
American English the English language as spoken and written in the United States.
American Sign Language a language used by many deaf people in North America, made up of hand movements and signs.
Amharic the official language of Ethiopia, which is part of the Semitic language family.
analytic philosophy a type of philosophy that uses common language and everyday experiences to analyze concepts.
Anglicism (often l.c.) a word, idiom, or feature of the English language, esp. British English, borrowed by another language; Briticism. [1/2 definitions]
Anglo-Saxon a person whose nationality, ancestry, or native language is English. [2/5 definitions]
aphasia partial or total loss of the ability to use or to understand spoken or written language, usu. as a result of damage to the brain.
Arabic the language of the Arabs. [1/2 definitions]