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aeonian lasting forever; eternal.
agelong lasting for an age or ages.
bender (slang) an extended period of drinking or drug use, usu. lasting two or more days. [1/2 definitions]
bicentennial lasting two hundred years. [1/4 definitions]
biyearly happening every two years or lasting two years; biennial. [1/2 definitions]
blizzard in meteorology, a violent snowstorm characterized by high winds of no less than 35 miles (56 kilometers) per hour and lasting three hours or more. A blizzard results in extremely reduced visibility. [1/2 definitions]
chukker in polo, a period of play lasting seven and one-half minutes.
curse an expression of a desire that someone or something might suffer lasting misfortune, or, in tales of magic, a spell that brings lasting misfortune. [2/8 definitions]
dawn the first appearance or beginning of something long-lasting. [1/5 definitions]
daylight-saving time standard time that has been advanced by one hour in a given time zone, usu. in the spring and lasting into the fall, in order to provide one more hour of daylight at the end of each day.
daylong lasting the entire day.
decennial lasting for ten years. [1/3 definitions]
dieldrin a highly poisonous, long-lasting insecticide.
DST abbreviation of "daylight saving time," standard time that has been advanced by one hour in a given time zone, usu. in the spring and lasting into the fall, in order to provide one more hour of daylight at the end of each day.
durable not easily worn out; long-lasting; sturdy. [1/2 definitions]
dynasty a succession, lasting several generations, of rulers from the same family or group. [1/2 definitions]
endurance the capacity to last or persevere, or the condition or fact of lasting or persevering. [1/2 definitions]
enduring long-lasting, permanent, chronic, or persistent. [1/2 definitions]
engrave to leave a deep or lasting impression. [1/4 definitions]
ephemeral lasting for only a short period. [2/3 definitions]
everlasting lasting for an indefinite or very long time. [2/7 definitions]