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bleach a substance that you use to make something white or light in color. Some people add bleach to their laundry. [1/2 definitions]
bluing a chemical substance, such as indigo, applied to laundry to keep it from yellowing.
damp-dry to dry (laundry) partially so that some moisture is retained.
flatwork laundry that can be pressed in a mangle, such as sheets or tablecloths.
hamper2 a large basket or container with a cover, used to hold picnic supplies or dirty laundry.
ironing board a long, narrow, padded board on which laundry is ironed.
launderette a self-service laundry.
laundress a woman whose work is washing and ironing laundry; washerwoman.
laundrette a British word for a place where you can pay to use washing machines and clothes dryers. "Laundrette" has the same meaning as "laundry" and "Laundromat."
Laundromat trademark for a commercial laundry facility having coin-operated washers and dryers. [2 definitions]
laundry a room or business where you wash your laundry or pay someone to wash it. [1/2 definitions]
laundryman a man who works in or for a laundry, esp. one who picks up and delivers clothes.
laundrywoman a woman who works in or for a laundry, esp. one who picks up and delivers clothes.
mangle2 to press (laundry) in a mangle. [1/2 definitions]
oxalic acid a poisonous, colorless acid used as a cleansing agent, laundry bleach, and laboratory reagent.
presoak a cycle on an automatic washing machine during which laundry is presoaked. [2/3 definitions]
rough-dry to dry (laundry) without pressing or smoothing out. [1/2 definitions]
service mark a symbol, word, design, slogan, or the like, used as identification by a particular company that supplies a service such as insurance, laundry, or transportation.
wash things washed or intended to be washed together, esp. laundry. [1/20 definitions]
washing clothes or other articles gathered to be washed together; laundry. [1/3 definitions]
washing machine a machine that washes laundry.