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boccie a form of lawn bowling, originating in Italy, played with wooden balls on a long narrow court of dirt, clay, or sand.
boule2 (usu. pl.) a French lawn bowling game similar to the Italian boccie. [1/3 definitions]
bowl2 a large wooden ball shaped or weighted so as to roll in a curved path, used in lawn bowling. [2/8 definitions]
bowling any of various similar games, such as lawn bowling, skittles, or ninepins. [1/2 definitions]
bowls a game played on a smooth lawn, in which the players roll wooden balls as close as possible to a smaller target ball; lawn bowling.
croquet a lawn game in which mallets are used to drive wooden balls through wickets toward a goal.
grass a tract of ground covered with grass, such as a lawn or meadow. [1/7 definitions]
lawn bowling a game played on a smooth lawn, in which the players roll wooden balls as close as possible to a smaller target ball.
lawn mower a machine with a turning blade that cuts the grass of a lawn.
mow1 to cut down the plant growth on (a grain field, lawn, or the like). [1/4 definitions]
sprinkler a device that gently sprays water on a lawn, garden, or field.
sprinkler system a system of sprinklers, often connected by underground pipes, for watering a lawn, garden, or the like. [1/2 definitions]
sundial a device that stands in a garden or on a lawn to show the time of day. A sundial has a flat, round disk with numbers and a pointer that casts a shadow. As the shadow moves across the numbers, the sundial shows what time it is.
zoysia any of various creeping grasses, native to Asia and Australia, that are used esp. for lawn grass.