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Alger Hiss a lawyer and U.S. public official accused in 1948 of having acted as a Communist spy in the 1930s. Convicted in 1950 on counts of perjury related to the investigation, Hiss was sentenced to five years in prison but maintained his innocence until his death (b.1904--d.1996).
ambulance chaser (informal) a lawyer who persistently seeks accident victims as clients and tries to convince them to sue for damages.
attorney a person whose job is to give legal advice and to speak for people in court; lawyer.
attorney-at-law an attorney; lawyer.
atty. abbreviation of "attorney," one whose profession is to give legal advice and to act as a representative in court during legal proceedings; lawyer; attorney-at-law.
barrister (chiefly British) a lawyer who is qualified to offer legal advice and to represent clients in both the lower and higher courts in the UK.
client one who pays for the services of another, esp. those of a lawyer or other professional. [1/3 definitions]
Commissioner for Oaths a lawyer authorized to witness and certify particular legal documents.
counsel a lawyer or group of lawyers hired to give legal advice or to speak for one in court. [1/3 definitions]
counselor a lawyer; attorney. [1/3 definitions]
criminal lawyer a lawyer who specialized in representing clients accused of criminal offenses.
defend to serve as a lawyer in support of (someone). [1/4 definitions]
defender an attorney who defends persons accused of crimes, esp. those who are unable to pay for a lawyer; public defender. [1/4 definitions]
defense the lawyer employed to represent a defendant in a court of law (prec. by "the"). [1/7 definitions]
get off of a lawyer, to defend (a client) so that the client is not convicted or receives only a greatly reduced sentence. [1/9 definitions]
lawyering the practice of law, or the profession of being a lawyer (sometimes used disparagingly).
malpractice improper professional conduct due to incompetence, negligence, or unethical methods, esp. such conduct leading to injury or loss by a medical patient or a client of a lawyer.
nonlawyer combined form of lawyer.
opinion advice or a judgment by an expert or professional, such as a doctor, lawyer, or judge. [1/3 definitions]
Pauli Murray American civil rights and women's rights activist, lawyer, author, and Episcopal priest (b.1910--d.1985).
pettifogger one who quibbles over trifles, esp. an unscrupulous lawyer.