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ABC soil a soil made up of three distinct layers, the A, or top layer, being humus and organic matter, the B layer being clay and oxidized material, and the C layer being loose rock and mineral materials.
A horizon the uppermost layer of soil in a geological soil profile; topsoil.
annual ring one of the concentric rings of wood visible in a cross section of a tree representing the layer of growth from one year.
archiblast the outer layer of an embryo in a very early, two-layered stage of development. [1/2 definitions]
baked Alaska a rich dessert made by piling ice cream on top of a layer of cake, covering the whole with meringue, and baking or broiling until the meringue begins to brown.
bast the strong fibrous outer layer of certain plant stems, such as flax or hemp, consisting of phloem tissue, and used in manufacturing cordage or woven goods. [1/2 definitions]
bed a supporting base or layer. [1/9 definitions]
bedding something that forms a bottom layer. [1/3 definitions]
bedrock the solid layer of rock in the earth's surface, usu. beneath soil, sand, gravel, or the like. [2/3 definitions]
benthos the bottom layer of a body of water.
blanket a layer of something, such as snow, clouds, or flowers, that covers a thing or area. [1/5 definitions]
-blast bud, embryo, cell layer, or other generative unit.
blastula an embryo in an early stage of development that consists of a single layer of cells forming a hollow sphere.
blubber the layer of fat beneath the skin of whales, seals, and other large sea mammals. [1/5 definitions]
Boston cream pie a two-layer cake with a custard filling and chocolate icing.
cambium a thin layer of cells occurring between the bark and wood of a vascular plant, and producing the growth of both.
cap rock the solid rock layer that is immediately over a deposit of oil, gas, salt, or the like.
cell wall the rigid outermost layer of a plant cell, which is made of cellulose.
chromosphere a layer of gas, mostly hydrogen, that surrounds a star, esp. the sun, above the photosphere and below the corona.
clambake a seaside picnic or party at which clams and various other foods are cooked, usu. by placing on heated rocks covered with a layer of seaweed. [1/2 definitions]
coat a covering or layer. [2/5 definitions]