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Dictionary Suite
decumbent leaning or lying down; reclining. [1/2 definitions]
favor a special liking; leaning; preference. [1/6 definitions]
heel2 a leaning to one side. [1/3 definitions]
incumbent resting, leaning, or pressing on something. [1/4 definitions]
lean1 the state of leaning. [1/7 definitions]
like1 open to; wishing for or leaning toward. [1/5 definitions]
list2 a leaning to one side, as of a boat or ship; tilt. [1/2 definitions]
pink1 (derogatory slang) leaning toward leftist or communist ideology. [1/5 definitions]
recline to cause to move into a leaning or tilted position. [1/2 definitions]
slant to be at a leaning or tilting angle. [1/2 definitions]
stake1 to give support to by tying to, or leaning against, a stake. [1/6 definitions]
tilt a leaning or sloping position. [1/4 definitions]
tip2 to move to a leaning position.