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actionable providing legitimate grounds for legal action.
fair1 according to the rules; legitimate. [1/12 definitions]
fair game any likely, legitimate, or logical object of attack, mockery, or pursuit. [1/2 definitions]
illegitimate not legitimate; unlawful. [1/6 definitions]
launder to conceal the source of (money obtained illegally) by channeling it through an intermediary such as a foreign bank, a legitimate business, or a business created solely for such a purpose. [1/5 definitions]
legit (slang) legitimate.
legitimacy the state or fact of being legitimate.
legitimate to legitimize, esp. to deem (a child born out of wedlock) to be legitimate. [1/6 definitions]
legitimatize to legitimate; legitimize.
legitimist one who supports legitimate authority, esp. that of a claim to a throne based on hereditary right.
legitimize to deem (a child born out of wedlock) to be legitimate. [1/3 definitions]
recognize (of a government or similar body) to formally acknowledge as legitimate. [1/7 definitions]
revolution the internal, usu. forcible, overthrow of a political system or legitimate government. [1/5 definitions]
rightful having a legal or legitimate claim. [2/3 definitions]
Shiite a member of the Shiah sect of Islam, which does not accept the Sunna as authoritative and considers Muhammad's son-in-law Ali to be the legitimate successor to Muhammad. (Cf. Sunnite.)
Taiwan a land including this island and nearby others that claims its independence from The People's Republic of China and is considered an independent country by itself and several sovereign nations. Taiwan also considers itself the legitimate government of all of China; Republic of China. [1/2 definitions]
true legitimate or according to law. [1/5 definitions]