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Dictionary Suite
accommodate to lend money to. [1/6 definitions]
advance to give or lend (money or items of value) in order to support a project or provide assistance, usually with expectation of repayment or profit. [1/14 definitions]
bolster to encourage or lend support to. [1/4 definitions]
bookmobile a library located in a bus or van. A bookmobile travels from place to place to lend books.
discount to lend or advance money on (commercial paper payable in the future) with interest deducted in advance. [2/12 definitions]
fortify to lend support to; confirm. [1/5 definitions]
lend to let someone use something that is yours. When you lend a thing to someone, you expect that person to return it to you.
lendable combined form of lend.
lent past tense and past participle of lend.
loan to lend money that must be paid back with interest. [1/3 definitions]
makeover changes made to one's appearance, by means of cosmetics, hairstyling, new clothes, and the like, that lend one an improved appearance or new image. [1/2 definitions]
mortgage a written agreement by which an institution, such as a bank, agrees to lend money so you can buy a property. The institution holds a claim to this property until you pay back all the money.
redline of lenders and insurers, to refuse to lend money or extend insurance to residents of certain neighborhoods, esp. those neighborhoods made up of poor or minority residents. [2 definitions]
redlining the illegal practice of refusing to lend money or extend insurance to residents of certain neighborhoods, esp. poor or deteriorating ones, or neighborhoods made up primarily or partially of minority residents.
relend combined form of lend.
touch (slang) a person, with regard to how easily he or she will lend money. [1/22 definitions]