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admit to let in; allow to enter. [1/2 definitions]
allow to say that someone may do something; let; permit.
bias an opinion or liking that does not let one be fair; prejudice. [1/3 definitions]
blowhole a vent to let out air or gases. [1/3 definitions]
blow over to let up; lessen or subside.
breathe to draw air into the lungs and let it out. [1/2 definitions]
burp (informal) to let gas out from the mouth in a loud manner. [2/3 definitions]
bus stop a place along a bus route where the bus will stop to let people get on or off the bus.
check in to let people know in an official way that one has arrived or that one is ready for something; register.
click in computing, to press and let go of the button on a mouse in order to carry out an action on the screen, such as moving the cursor or opening a program (often followed by "on"). [1/7 definitions]
dangle to let something hang or swing loosely. [1/2 definitions]
dilapidate to let (something) go to ruin or become decayed. [1/2 definitions]
dishevel to undo and let fall loosely (hair or clothing). [1/2 definitions]
doorbell a bell on an outside door that is rung by a person who wants to be let inside.
drip to let drops flow down. [1/2 definitions]
drool to let saliva run from the mouth.
droop to let droop. [1/4 definitions]
drop to let something fall. [1/5 definitions]
drop off to let someone get out of a vehicle.
dump to let something fall out of a container. [1/2 definitions]
empty out of a thing, to let its contents flow away. [1/3 definitions]