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Dictionary Suite
a1 the first letter of the English alphabet. [1/3 definitions]
acrostic a sequence of written lines in which particular letters, usu. the first letter of every line, form an independent word or phrase. [1/2 definitions]
air letter an airmail letter. [1/2 definitions]
aleph the name of the first letter of the Hebrew alphabet.
alpha the name of the first letter of the Greek alphabet.
apheresis the dropping or omission of a letter, sound, or the like at the beginning of a word, as in "scuse" for "excuse".
apocope the loss or omission of the final letter, syllable, or sound of a word, as in "talkin'" for "talking".
attached designating an additional document or documents enclosed with a letter or e-mail. [2/4 definitions]
ayin the name of the sixteenth letter of the Hebrew alphabet.
b the second letter of the English alphabet. [1/3 definitions]
beta the name of the second letter of the Greek alphabet.
beth the name of the second letter of the Hebrew alphabet.
billet-doux a love letter.
block letter a simple, hand-printed capital letter. [1/2 definitions]
bread-and-butter of a letter or note, expressing thanks for another's hospitality. [1/2 definitions]
burr2 a harsh, trilled pronunciation of the letter "r," like that of the Scots. [3/5 definitions]
c1 the third letter of the English alphabet. [1/3 definitions]
cachet an official seal on a document or letter. [1/4 definitions]
cap2 a capital letter.
capital1 the city where the government of a country or state is located. [1/4 definitions]
capitalize to write or print (something) using capital letters or using a capital letter as the initial letter.