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A.A. abbreviation of "Associate in Arts," an undergraduate degree conferred on a person who has completed a curriculum in the liberal arts.
antiliberal combined form of liberal.
B.A. abbreviation of "Bachelor of Arts," an undergraduate degree conferred on a person who has completed a curriculum in the liberal arts; A.B.
Bachelor of Arts an undergraduate degree conferred on a person who has completed a curriculum in the liberal arts. (abbr.: B.A.)
bachelor's degree an undergraduate degree conferred on a person who has completed a liberal arts and sciences curriculum; Bachelor of Arts, or Bachelor of Sciences.
bountiful liberal in giving; generous. [1/2 definitions]
Broad Church of or pertaining to a liberal party in the Anglican Church that advocates a broad interpretation of rituals and traditions. (Cf. High Church, Low Church.)
broad-minded having unprejudiced views; tolerant or liberal.
Coll. abbreviation of "College," a school or institution of higher learning, usu. providing education in general studies or liberal arts (used in a proper name).
college a school or institution of higher learning beyond the level of high school, usu. providing education in general studies or liberal arts. [1/3 definitions]
large-minded tolerant in one's views; liberal or broad-minded.
lavish liberal or generous in using or spending (often fol. by "of" or "in"). [1/3 definitions]
left1 (often cap.) of or pertaining to liberal, socialist, or progressive political views and those who hold them. (Cf. right.) [2/6 definitions]
left wing a faction of a political party or other group that advocates liberal reform or radical, revolutionary change, esp. in the social, political, or economic order. (Cf. right wing.)
liberal (cap.) a member of the U.S. or British Liberal Party; favoring progressive political change and involvement of the government to bring about reforms. (Cf. Conservative.) [1/8 definitions]
liberal arts the subjects that make up a certain college degree program. A liberal arts program gives general knowledge of various subjects, not training for a specific job.
liberal education an education based on the liberal arts.
liberalism the condition or quality of being liberal. [1/2 definitions]
liberalize to make or become more liberal.
Low Church of or pertaining to a liberal party within the Anglican Church emphasizing evangelicalism over tradition and ritual. (Cf. High Church, Broad Church.)
Mount Holyoke a women's liberal arts college located in Massachusetts and founded in 1837.