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Dictionary Suite
crab1 (pl.) infestation with crab lice. [1/8 definitions]
delouse to kill or remove lice on or from (a person, animal, or thing).
louse to remove lice from the body or hair of; delouse. [1/3 definitions]
lousy having many lice, as on the body. [1/4 definitions]
nitty full of lice or lice eggs.
pediculosis the condition of being infested with lice.
phthiriasis the condition of being infested with crab lice; pediculosis.
rickettsia any of various parasitic microorganisms that are carried by lice, fleas, or ticks to animals and humans and cause typhus and other diseases.
trench fever an infectious type of rickets characterized by muscle pains and recurrent fever, and transmitted by body lice.
typhus a serious infectious disease that is transmitted by fleas, mites, and lice and is marked by high fever, headache, delirium, and a red rash.