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brown-bag to bring (liquor) in a brown paper bag into an establishment that does not have a liquor license. [1/3 definitions]
credential (usu. pl.) evidence of such entitlement, usu. in writing, such as a document, license, certificate, or letter of recommendation. [1/2 definitions]
document a written or printed paper, often of a legal or official nature, that provides information, evidence, or proof of something, such as a birth certificate or marriage license. [2/4 definitions]
druggist a person who has a license to prepare and sell medicine; pharmacist.
expiration a coming to formal termination, as in the case of a contract, license, or the like. [1/2 definitions]
identification something that proves who a person is, such as a driver's license or passport. [1/2 definitions]
imprimatur an official license to print or publish, esp. one issued by the Roman Catholic censor. [1/2 definitions]
interlope to enter into an area of business, esp. trade, without a license. [1/2 definitions]
learner's permit A paper that you get from the state that gives you permission to learn to drive. You must have a learner's permit before you get a driver's license.
license to give a license to or for. [1/2 definitions]
licensee one to whom a license is given or issued.
license plate a small metal sign on a motor vehicle that usually has both numbers and letters. The license plate shows that it is legal to drive the vehicle on public roads.
licentiate a person who has been granted a license to practice a specified profession. [1/3 definitions]
number plate the British word for a small metal sign on a car, truck, or other vehicle indicating that the vehicle is legal to drive on public roads. "Number plate" has the same meaning as "license plate."
permit a written statement that officially allows someone to do something; license. [1/3 definitions]
plate short form of "license plate," a small metal sign on a car, truck, or other vehicle that usually has both numbers and letters. The license plate shows that it is legal to drive the vehicle on public roads. [1/7 definitions]
point system a system of penalizing drivers a certain number of points for each traffic offense, a driver's license being suspended when a certain total is reached. [1/4 definitions]
publican the proprietor of a pub (public house), who holds the license to sell alcoholic beverages. [1/2 definitions]
registered nurse a nurse who has completed training and who has a license to practice nursing. In order to receive a license, nurses must pass an examination given by a state government.
registration number (chiefly British) the registered set of numbers and letters found on the license plates of a vehicle; license plate number.
relicense combined form of license.