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Dictionary Suite
ajar1 partly opened, as a hinged door, window, or lid.
bonnet the British word for the metal lid that covers a car's engine. "Bonnet" has the same meaning as "hood." [1/2 definitions]
box1 a container made of stiff material that usually has four sides, a bottom, and a lid.
breadbox a kitchen container used for storing bread. It is usually made of metal and has a lid that can move to open or close the box.
caster a small container, sometimes with a perforated lid, used for sugar, salt, pepper, and the like. [1/3 definitions]
chest a large, strong box with a lid, used for holding things. [1/2 definitions]
compote a dish with a long stem, a base, and sometimes a lid, used to serve fruits, nuts, and confections. [1/2 definitions]
Dutch oven a heavy iron or enamel kettle with an arched lid, for the slow cooking of pot roasts, stews, or other dishes. [1/3 definitions]
flagon a vessel for serving liquids that has a handle, a spout, and often a top or hinged lid. [1/2 definitions]
hamper2 a large receptacle, usu. a basket with a lid or cover, as for picnic supplies or dirty laundry.
hatchway an opening that has a hinged door or lid, through which passengers or goods may pass, as on a ship or aircraft; hatch. [1/2 definitions]
hinge a device attached to one side of a door, or to a lid or window. A hinge allows the door to open and close.
hood the metal lid that covers a car's engine. [1/2 definitions]
jack-in-the-box a toy that is made up of a box with a puppet inside. The puppet springs out when the lid of the box is opened.
jar1 a round container with a wide mouth. A jar is often made of glass and has a lid.
Leyden jar an early device for accumulating and holding static electricity that consists of a glass jar coated inside and out with tinfoil, with a metal rod connected to the inner foil lining and passing out of the jar through an insulated stopper or lid.
lidless combined form of lid.
manhole an opening in a street large enough for a person to climb into to make repairs underneath the street. A manhole is usually covered by a lid.
Mason jar a wide-mouthed glass jar with a lid that screws on, often used for home canning and preserving.
music box a box containing a mechanical device that plays music. The music plays by winding a knob, lifting the lid of the box, or some other action.
operculum in biology, an organ or organ part that serves as a lid, flap, or cover.