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betel nut the nut of the betel palm, chewed together with betel pepper leaves and lime in southeastern Asia as a mild stimulant and narcotic.
calcium hydroxide a soft white crystalline compound made by the action of water on calcium oxide and used in the manufacture of cement, plaster, hard rubber products, and bleaching powder; slaked lime.
calcium oxide a soft white caustic powder used in the treatment of waste, as an industrial alkali, and in the manufacture of steel, glass, plaster, and insecticides; lime; quicklime.
chloride of lime a white powder made from chlorine and slaked lime and used as a bleaching or disinfecting agent; chlorinated lime.
citric acid an acid derived from the juice of the lime, lemon, or pineapple or from the fermentation of sugars, often used as a flavoring.
citrusy like citrus, esp. like the citrus fruits lemon, lime,or orange.
collins (often cap.) a drink made with lemon or lime juice, carbonated water, sugar, and either gin, vodka, whiskey, or rum.
daiquiri a cocktail made of rum, lime juice, and sugar.
gimlet an alcoholic beverage consisting of sweetened lime juice mixed with vodka or gin. [1/3 definitions]
Key lime pie a pie with a filling made of condensed milk and lime juice.
kiln a furnace or oven for burning lime, hardening pottery or brick, drying lumber, or the like. [1/2 definitions]
lime1 a white powder made of calcium oxide. Lime is used in cement, in making steel and paper, and in making some soils better for growing plants.
limeade a drink made of lime juice, water, and a sweetener, usu. served cold.
limekiln a furnace for making lime by heating limestone or shells.
limelight formerly, a strong theater spotlight that used lime heated until it shone, or the light produced by this device. [1/2 definitions]
limestone a rock formed mostly from shells and other animal remains. Limestone is used in building and in making cement, lime, and carbon dioxide.
limy consisting of or containing lime or limestone. [1/2 definitions]
mamoncillo a fruit-bearing tree that grows primarily in Central America and the Caribbean and produces a small fruit with a rigid green skin and a sweet fleshy interior. The mamoncillo fruit is called by different names in different countries and is sometimes called a Spanish lime.
margarita a cocktail made of tequila and lemon or lime juice and usu. served in a glass whose rim is coated with salt.
mortar2 a material made from lime, sand, and water and used to hold bricks or stones in place.
pink lady a cocktail made of gin, egg white, lemon or lime juice, and grenadine.