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ad infinitum to infinity; without limit or end; endlessly.
art. abbreviation of "article," in English grammar, the words "a," "an," and "the," which are used with nouns and act to limit the nouns' applications. (See "definite article," "indefinite article.")
article in grammar, the words "a," "an," and "the" as well as words equivalent to these in languages other than English, which are used with nouns and act to limit the nouns' applications. (See "definite article," "indefinite article.") [1/4 definitions]
at the end of one's tether at the limit or end of one's strength or ability.
at the outside at the absolute limit.
bottomless without apparent limit; fathomless; endless. [1/3 definitions]
bound3 a line not to be crossed; limit; restriction. [3 definitions]
boundary something that marks the edge or limit.
bulge to be filled to the limit. [1/4 definitions]
cap1 an upper limit. [1/3 definitions]
ceiling an upper limit. [1/3 definitions]
chock-full filled to the limit; stuffed.
chuck-full full to the limit; chock-full.
compass a boundary or limit, or the space or scope included within it. [1/9 definitions]
confine (usually plural.) border or limit. [1/3 definitions]
constrict to block or limit the natural course of. [1/3 definitions]
cramp2 to limit by keeping in a small space.
curb to limit or restrain; check. [1/4 definitions]
cutoff a prescribed terminal point or limit. [1/5 definitions]
diet1 to limit or select one's own intake of food to improve health or lose weight. [1/6 definitions]
diverge to have infinity as a limit, as a mathematical series or sequence. [1/4 definitions]