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after a fashion in a limited or unsatisfactory manner.
Basic English a copyrighted, simplified version of the English language, limited to 850 necessary words and a few grammatical rules, and used esp. as an international communication aid.
bonobo any of a species of highly intelligent African ape related to but smaller than the chimpanzee and exhibiting various human-like behaviors. The bonobo's habitat in the wild is limited to an area within the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
broad general; not limited. [1/3 definitions]
cable television a form of television in which the sound and picture signals from distant stations are received by a master antenna and then delivered by electrical cable. Cable television typically provides clear reception, access to a large number of channels, and a relatively wide range of programming, whereas conventional television is limited to the reception of signals from local stations.
catapult a device for launching aircraft where runway space is severely limited, as on an aircraft carrier deck. [1/5 definitions]
checks and balances a governmental mechanism of self-regulation provided for in the U.S. and other constitutions, by which the powers of each branch of government are limited by powers vested in another branch of government.
closed circuit a transmission circuit for television with a limited number of reception stations connected to it by cable. [1/2 definitions]
convenience store a store, often near a busy road or highway, that is open long hours and that sells a limited selection of grocery items, especially snacks and beverages, as well as certain pharmaceutical and automotive items.
demand-pull of or denoting a type of increase in prices that is caused by increased demand for a limited supply of goods or services. (Cf. cost-push.)
derby a horse race run every year and limited to three-year-old horses. [1/2 definitions]
dimly to a limited degree of brightness or clarity.
domestic relations court in some U.S. states, a court with jurisdiction limited to matters involving a family or household, esp. disputes involving the custody, support, and welfare of children; family court.
earthbound limited or confined to earth or earthly matters. [2/3 definitions]
elapse to slip by or come to an end, as a period of time or something limited to a period of time. [1/2 definitions]
expressway a divided highway that has limited access and is designed to enable traffic to move rapidly.
finite limited in number, quantity, or duration; capable of being measured. (Cf. infinite.) [1/3 definitions]
focalize in medicine, to limit or be limited to a specific area, as an infection; localize.
fountain a counter in a store or restaurant at which one can purchase sodas and other ice cream dishes, and often a limited selection of other light food and drink, for consumption on the premises; soda fountain. [1/5 definitions]
franchise a right granted by a commercial enterprise to sell a product or service in a limited territory. [1/5 definitions]
freeway a highway with limited access and no tolls; expressway.