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Dictionary Suite
analogy the process by which linguistic forms change according to existing patterns, esp. by means of comparison. [1/5 definitions]
corpus a compilation of written or spoken texts in electronic format analyzed as linguistic data in order to learn about word meaning and usage, word frequency, and language patterns. [1/4 definitions]
linguistic atlas a collection of maps recording the geographical distribution of linguistic forms and usages.
nonlinguistic combined form of linguistic.
onomastics an underlying linguistic system or pattern behind the formation of proper names or terms within a specialized vocabulary. [1/2 definitions]
phonemic serving to distinguish different linguistic speech elements. [1/2 definitions]
subfamily a linguistic classification of related languages ranked between a family and a branch. [1/2 definitions]
transformation the changing of an abstract or deep linguistic structure into a concrete or surface one, according to certain rules of syntax. [1/2 definitions]