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Dictionary Suite
aquavit a strong, colorless Scandinavian liquor flavored with caraway seeds.
aqua vitae gin, brandy, whiskey, or other strong liquor. [1/2 definitions]
befuddle to stupefy with or as though with liquor. [1/2 definitions]
bracer1 (informal) a strong, stimulating drink or tonic, esp. of liquor. [1/2 definitions]
branch water plain water when mixed with liquor. [1/2 definitions]
brown-bag to bring (liquor) in a brown paper bag into an establishment that does not have a liquor license. [1/3 definitions]
buttery2 a storeroom for liquor and provisions of a household; larder.
cabaret a nightclub or restaurant that provides food, liquor, and live entertainment.
cellaret a cabinet or stand used to hold bottles of wine, liquor, or the like.
chaser (informal) a drink of a mild beverage, such as beer or water, taken after a drink of hard liquor. [1/2 definitions]
cordial a sweet, strong alcoholic liquor; liqueur. [1/4 definitions]
corn whiskey whiskey made from a mash of at least eighty percent corn; corn liquor.
decanter a pretty glass bottle with a stopper. A decanter is usually used to serve wine or liquor.
dram a small amount, as of liquor. [1/4 definitions]
drink to use alcoholic liquor, esp. to excess. [1/12 definitions]
eggnog a drink made of beaten eggs, milk or cream, sugar, and often rum or other liquor.
flagon a large wine or liquor bottle. [1/2 definitions]
flambé of food, covered with brandy or other liquor and ignited before serving.
flask a broad, flat metal or glass bottle designed to be carried in the pocket and usu. used to hold liquor. [1/2 definitions]
gin1 an alcoholic liquor made from grain distilled with juniper berries. [1/2 definitions]
heeltap a small amount of liquor left in a glass or bottle.